Understanding Cyber Threats How to Stay Ahead Quiz Answers

Understanding Cyber Threats : How to Stay Ahead Quiz Answers

In this article we providing information regarding latest Understanding Cyber Threats : How to Stay Ahead Quiz Answers.

Understanding Cyber Threats : How to Stay Ahead Quiz Answers : CIET NCERT

We are giving 10 out 10 Questions Answers.

1. What is the primary goal of a phishing attack ?

Answer : To steal sensitive information

2. What is the purpose of a firewall in cybersecurity?

Answer : To filter incoming and outgoing network traffic.

3. What should you do if you receive a suspicious email attachment?

Answer : Delete the email without opening the attachment

4. Which of the following is a common sign of a phishing email ?

Answer : Urgent request for personal information

5. What is ‘Identity theft’ ?

Answer : Theft of personal information to impersonate someone

6. What does the term ‘ransomware’ refer to?

Answer : Malware that encrypts data and demands payment for decryption

7. Which practice can help prevent unauthorized access to your online accounts?

Answer : Enabling two-factor authentication

8. Which of the following is a good practice for creating secure passwords ?

Answer : Including a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters

9. Which of the following is a strong password example ?

Answer : $tr0ngP@ssw0rd!

10. Which of the following is a method used by cybercriminals to gain access to a system ?

Answer : Social engineering

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