Shiksha Saptah Day 5 - Skilling Day (26 July 2024) Activities

Shiksha Saptah Day 5 – Skilling Day (26 July 2024)

In this article we providing information regarding Shiksha Saptah Day 5 – Skilling Day (26 July 2024)

Shiksha Saptah Day 5 – Skilling Day (26 July 2024)

On Skill Day Various Activities we can arrange let’s know about it.


Shiksha Saptah (Education Week) is an annual initiative promoting awareness and celebrating the importance of education in India. This week presents a unique opportunity to highlight the critical role of skill education in the country’s holistic development. By dedicating a day within this observance to skill and digital education, we can raise awareness and empower students with the necessary competencies to thrive in the 21st century.

Empowering students through skill education is a key priority as it enhances their employability and boosts their overall personality and self-esteem. Skill development courses can help students find work, advance their careers, and support potential entrepreneurs, leading to job creation and economic growth. Tailoring skill development initiatives to target students’ talents and interests can lead to more successful outcomes.

2. Rationale

With India boasting a young population and a demographic dividend poised to peak, equipping them with future-ready skills is crucial. The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) for Schools 2005 both emphasize the importance of skill development alongside academic education (NEP 2020, FLP 5; NCF SE 2005, 5.2). To capitalize on this opportunity, the Department of School Education intends to devote a one-day program on Skill Education during Shiksha Saptah . It will expose students to diverse skill sets, aligning with NEP’s focus on holistic education. The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes integrating skill education into mainstream education to equip students with industry-relevant skills. Dedicating a day within Shiksha Saptah to skill and vocational education will expose students to skills – ones that are aspirational, as also those that are most relevant locally and contextually, also new and emerging vocations

  • Raise awareness: Showcase the importance and diversity of skilling options available to students.
  • Bridge the gap: Connect students with potential trainers, institutions, and employers.
  • Generate interest: Motivate students to explore career paths beyond traditional academics.
  • Highlight success stories: Showcase successful skill education students and their contributions to society.

3. Proposed Activities

To foster a well-rounded and skill-based education for students, the following activities are proposed:

3.1 Introduction to Communication, Sales, and Marketing:

Activity: Role Plays

Skills: Communication skills, sales techniques, marketing strategies

Description: In this workshop, students will participate in role-playing exercises to develop essential skills in communication, sales techniques, and marketing strategies.

  • Customer Engagement and Product Presentation: Students will practice engaging with potential customers in a simulated sales environment. They will learn to effectively present products or services, highlighting features and benefits to meet customer needs.
  • Handling Objections and Closing Sales: Students will learn techniques to address customer objections confidently and persuasively. They will practice closing sales by guiding customers toward making a purchase decision.
  • Target Audience Identification and Market Research: Introduction to basic marketing concepts, including identifying target audiences based on demographics, psychographics, and behaviour. Students will conduct simple market research to understand customer preferences and competitor analysis.
  • Mock Marketing Campaign Development: Students will collaborate to create a mock marketing campaign for a school event, product, or service. They will develop promotional materials such as posters, flyers, and digital content (social media posts, advertisements). Students will script persuasive advertisements and design strategies to attract and engage their target audience.

3.2 Cultural and Historical Awareness

Activity: Visit to Historical Places

Skills: Historical awareness, cultural understanding, observation and analysis

Description: The visit to historical places activity will help students learn about the rich history and cultural significance of specific historical sites. Participants will explore renowned historical landmarks or sites of cultural importance under the guidance of knowledgeable guides or historians. The visit includes guided tours, where participants will learn about the historical context, architectural features, stories and characters associated with the site. Participants will engage in activities such as observing artefacts, studying historical documents, and discussing the impact of the site on local history and heritage. Discussions during the visit will encourage participants to reflect on the preservation of historical sites, their importance in understanding past civilizations, and the lessons they offer for contemporary society. Students can start their school museum in the school, with artefacts and historical items displayed on racks or tables.

Students will also learn about the lives and contributions of local historical figures through their statues and monuments. Students will engage in discussions on the importance of honouring local history figures, the legacy of these individuals, and their contributions to shaping the community. The activity will encourage students to reflect on the values embodied by these figures and their relevance to contemporary society.

3.3. Learning from Nature and agriculture

Activity: Visit to organic Farms, Horticultural Nurseries, Agri-markets, Dairy farms, animal husbandry training centre, cooperatives, Parks, Forests, Ponds, Gardens

Skills: Ecological awareness and exploration, creativity

Description: The activity will inspire students to observe and learn from agricultural roles and natural environments. Participants will engage in guided explorations of nearby natural settings such as parks, forests, or gardens. They will observe the flora, fauna, and natural processes while learning about ecosystems, biodiversity, and sustainability. The activity includes hands-on experiences such as identifying plant species, observing animal behaviour, and studying natural habitats. Students will engage in discussions on the interconnections within ecosystems, the importance of biodiversity conservation, and the lessons nature can teach us about resilience and adaptation. The activity encourages participants to reflect on their role in preserving natural environments and promoting environmental stewardship. Students will be able to identify and relate the food and vegetable plants that are being used for preparing mid-day meal, served in schools. They will also be able to identify the beneficial insects and the pests that are harmful to plants.

Similarly, there are a number of agriculture job functions like cooperative manager, agriculture outreach officers, organic farming methods, agriculture input sales, etc which can be seen and learned from.

3.4 Learning from Household Chores

Activities: Cooking, Cleaning, Organization and Gardening

Skills: Planning, measurement, time management, patience and understanding of the environment.


  • Cooking: Students engage in culinary activities where they learn to plan meals, measure ingredients accurately, manage time effectively to prepare and cook dishes, and develop an appreciation for different cooking techniques and flavours. Students will also learn about food presentation.
  • Cleaning and Organization: Students will be involved in tasks, such as organizing spaces effectively, maintaining cleanliness, and managing time. Students learn the importance of systematic approaches to organizing, maintaining cleanliness, and creating conducive environments.
  • Gardening: Students participate in hands-on activities related to gardening, including planting, nurturing plants, and understanding sustainable gardening practices. They develop patience as they observe the growth process of plants and gain an understanding of how environmental factors affect plant life.

3.5 Learning from Hackathon

Activity: Coding Challenge

Skills: Problem-solving, programming, teamwork

Description: Students form teams to tackle coding challenges or develop applications. They present their projects.

3.6 Learning about Media and Entertainment

Activity: Animation and Digital Storytelling

Skills Developed: Computational thinking, storytelling, digital literacy

Description: Students engage in an animation and digital storytelling workshop where they use platforms like Scratch to create animated stories. This activity focuses on teaching coding fundamentals and animation basics through a creative lens. Participants learn to develop characters, plot sequences, and convey narratives using digital tools.

3.7 Learning about Designs

Activity: Design Thinking Workshop

Skills: Empathy, problem-solving, creative thinking, prototyping

Description: Students empathize, brainstorm, prototype, and test solutions.

For example:

  • Improving classroom layout and resources to enhance learning and collaboration.
  • Conduct interviews and surveys with students to identify interests and barriers to participation. Ideate solutions such as new activity offerings, scheduling adjustments, or promotional campaigns.
  • Optimize cafeteria operations to reduce food waste and enhance dining experience.
  • Implement sustainable practices to reduce the school’s environmental footprint.
  • Create inclusive learning environments that accommodate students with diverse learning styles and abilities.

3.8 Pottery Skills

Activity: Exploring basic pottery skills

Skills: Fine motor skills, creativity, craftsmanship

Description: Hands-on learning of basic pottery skills like molding clay, shaping it into various forms, and creating personal pieces like bowls, vases, or decorative items. Students will learn the history and significance of pottery as an art form.

3.9 Bamboo Craft Workshop

Activity: Bamboo Crafting

Skills: Fine motor skills, creativity, craftsmanship, environmental awareness

Description: The Bamboo Craft Workshop will introduce students to the art of working with bamboo, a sustainable and versatile material. Participants will engage in hands-on activities to learn basic bamboo crafting techniques and create various bamboo crafts while gaining an appreciation for eco-friendly practices.

  • Basic Bamboo Crafting Techniques: Demonstrating cutting, splitting, shaping, and joining bamboo. Hands-on practice sessions will teach students how to manipulate bamboo effectively using traditional methods such as cutting with machetes or saws and binding with natural fibres or modern adhesives.
  • Craft Projects: Creating bamboo crafts like baskets, wind chimes, vases, or pen stands. Students will apply their newly acquired skills to craft practical and decorative items from bamboo. They will explore various techniques such as carving, burning designs or painting to personalize their creations. Students will understand the historical significance and modern applications. They will be encouraged to blend traditional techniques with contemporary designs.

3.10 Bag Making Workshop

Activity: Making bags from rags

Skills: Sewing skills, design creativity, attention to detail

Description: The Bag Making Workshop aims to teach participants how to create their bags using sewing techniques and creative design. Students will be introduced to different types of bags (tote bags, messenger bags, pouches) and their uses. The hands-on activity encourages craftsmanship and allows participants to customize their bags according to their preferences. Students will learn about various types of bags, their purposes, and the basic materials required for bag making.

3.11 Drinking Safe Water

Activity: Water Testing

Skills: Scientific observation, analytical thinking, attention to detail

Description: The Water Testing exercise will teach students to test the quality of water using scientific methods. Students will be introduced to different parameters of water quality (pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, contaminants) and their significance. The hands-on activity will encourage scientific inquiry and allow participants to assess water quality from various sources. Students will learn about various testing methods, the importance of clean water, and the basic materials required for water testing. Participants will also learn about common contaminants in water sources (bacteria, heavy metals, chemicals) and their health implications. The workshop will include practical demonstrations of water purification methods such as boiling, filtration, and chemical treatments.

3.12 Soil Fertility

Activity: Soil Testing

Skills: Scientific observation, data collection and analysis, understanding of soil properties

Description: The Soil Testing exercise will teach students to analyze soil quality using scientific methods. Participants will learn about the importance of soil health for plant growth and environmental sustainability. Demonstrations and hands-on activities will be organised where participants will collect soil samples from different locations, analyze soil texture, pH levels, and nutrient content (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) using soil testing kit. Participants will interpret their findings to understand soil fertility and potential agricultural uses. Discussions will cover methods for improving soil health, sustainable farming practices, and the impact of soil quality on ecosystems.

3.13 Learning from Others

Activity: Interaction with Professionals and Entrepreneurs

Skills: Career guidance, collaboration, networking

Description: Professionals share career journeys and skill development importance with students.

3.14 First Aid Workshop

Activity: First Aid Basics

Skills: First aid training, teamwork, critical thinking

Description: Students will participate in a hands-on workshop where they learn essential first aid skills from trained professionals. Professionals will demonstrate basic first aid techniques such as CPR, wound care, and handling common medical emergencies like choking or fainting. Students practice techniques on mannequins, reinforcing skills learned.

4. Target Audience

  • Students from Grades 6-12
  • Parents and Teachers
  • Career Counsellors
  • Policymakers
  • Industry Representatives

5. Stakeholders for Skill Activities

Partner with relevant government departments/agencies (National Skill Development Corporation, National Council for Vocational Education and Training, PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education, Sector Skill Councils, etc.), local industries/industry associations, and educational institutions.

6. Social Media Coverage and Awareness

Develop promotional materials and disseminate information through schools, social media, and local media channels.

7. Expected Outcomes

  • Increased awareness and interest in skill education among students, parents, and educators.
  • Improved understanding of the diverse career opportunities offered by skill/vocational education.
  • Enhanced collaboration between educational institutions, training providers, and industry.
  • Strengthened foundation for integrating skill education into mainstream education as envisioned by NEP 2020.

Dedicating a day-to-skill education within Shiksha Saptah presents a valuable opportunity to promote skill development and empower students with future-ready skillsets. By creating a platform for interaction, exploration, and knowledge sharing, this initiative can significantly contribute to achieving the goals outlined in NEP 2020.

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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