Shiksha Saptah Day -1 (22.07.2024) - Activities

Shiksha Saptah Day -1 (22.07.2024) – Activities

In this article we providing information regarding Shiksha Saptah Day -1 ( 22.07.2024 ) Reg. What to Be Done on Day 1 of Shiksha Saptah.

Shiksha Saptah Day -1 (22.07.2024)

Day – 1 (Monday, July 22, 2024)

TLM (teaching Learning Material) Day Encouraging teachers to showcase TLM Based on local context and use it in the Teaching Learning process.


The NCF-SE 2023 emphasizes the importance of teaching-learning materials (TLMs) in bringing the curriculum to life. TLMs include a wide range of resources, such as goals and objectives, syllabi, content, pedagogical practices, assessment, teaching-learning materials, school and classroom practices, learning environment, and the institution’s cluture.

The Department of School Education & Literacy is celebrating Shiksha Saptah from 22-28 July 2024 to reflect on the transformative reforms introduced by NEP 2020 and foster collaborative spirit amongst young learners, educators and stakeholders. It will provide a platform to share best practices, discuss challenges, and chart a path forward towards realising the vision outlined in the NEP 2020 at grassroot levels.

#SamagraShiksha #ShikshaSaptah #NEP2020 #education


The definition of Teaching Learning Materials encompasses everything that a teacher/parents can use to facilitate learning for their pupils. From lowtech to hightech, natural product, and anything which serves the closest attribute to the learning scenario in class.


  1. Enhanced Learning
  2. Improved Accessibility
  3. Environmental Sustainability
  4. Skill Development

What to be Done ?

An exhibition putting different stalls needs to be organized in the school, which should include the following-

  1. Special Stalls
  2. Jaadui Pitara & E-Jaadui Pitara
  3. Musical Demonstrations
  4. Literary Displays
  5. Teacher TLM Exhibits
  6. Demonstration classes

1. Special Stalls

Each category of TLM should have separate stall, such as “Let’s understand from Posters” (Poster Stall), “What do story cards Tell us”, and “What if Toys could speak”

2. Jaadui Pitara & E- Jaadui Pitara

A school – made collection of TLMs need to be displayed, which will explain the concept and importance of collection of TLMs. E – jaadui pitara to be demonstrated as well.

3. Musical Demonstrations

A stall where students or teachers demonstrate how songs or playing an instrument can be used as a teaching learning aid.

4. Teacher TLM exhibits

Teachers should bring their innovative TLMs (shadow puppetry, rangoli, models, charts, dance, flash cards etc) for the exhibition.

Grade Wise Activities to be conducted :

  1. Secondary (Grades 11 and 12)
  2. Middle and Secondary (Grades 6-10)
  3. Foundational Stage
  4. Preparatory (Grades 3-5)

Secondary (Graders 11 and 12)

  1. Posters with Slogans : Topics like “How to save water and “How to help others”
  2. Puzzles : Focus on Science and Mathematics
  3. Games (Physical and Digital) : Related to Social Science, Science, Mathematics, and Languages.
  4. 3D models : Use natural materials like clay or paper-mache to create 3D models of historical monuments, anatomical structure, or geometric shapes.
  5. Board games : Design board games on fabric or cardboard with learning objectives integrated into gameplay mechanics.
  6. Wall charts : Utilize newspapers or fabric scraps to create charts summarizing key concepts or historical timelines.
  7. Reading club

Middle and Secondary (Grades 6-10)

  1. Puzzles and challenge cards
  2. Games : Create a different version of Ludo, etc.
  3. Toys : Made with local materials like paper and bamboo sticks.
  4. Puppets : Made with clothes and waste materials.
  5. Story Cards : 5-6 self-explanatory story cards.
  6. Chart Making : Themes like “Food and Vegetables”, “Local Market”, “My Family” etc.
  7. Reading Club

Preparatory (Grades 3-5)

  1. Chart Making : Themes like “Food and Vegetables”, “Local Market”, “My Family” etc.
  2. Colorful Boxes (cubical or rectangular boxes can be created by children pasting colour papers on their sides)
  3. Cards : Making cards of fruits, vegetables, animals, etc.
  4. Masks: Making masks of animals, birds, etc.
  5. Reading club and story-telling sessions

Foundational Stage

  1. Activities prescribed in Jaadui Pitara and e-Jaadui Pitara.
  2. Small skit by students with the help of parents & teachers.
  3. Thumb painting/hand painting
  4. Folklore by parents/teachers/students
  5. Story-telling clubs – parent invited for telling local stories.

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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