School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script in English

School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script in English

In this article we providing information regarding latest School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script in English.

School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script in English

Covered following things.

  1. Morning Greetings and Introduction
  2. Prayer
  3. Pledge
  4. Newspaper Reading English / Hindi
  5. Thought of the Day
  6. Principal Message
  7. National Anthem
  8. Formal Ending.

Morning Greetings and Introduction

“If you’re not willing to learn no one can help you if you’re determined to learn no one can stop you”

With great respect and profound regards respected Principal Ma’am/Sir, hardworking teachers and my dear school mates. I whole heartedly welcome you all in this beautiful morning. My name if (Your name) from Class (Your class) and I am going to host today’s morning assembly.

Today is 23rd of August 2024 and it’s First National Space Day as we all are aware that we start every event and occasion with prayers.


Prayer means the purification of one’s soul. It takes away negative thoughts from our mind. Let us start our day by offering prayer to that supreme almighty.

I request all of you to please stand straight, join your hands, and close your eyes and start praying.


A pledge is a way to show your love and respect for our nation so I request (name) of the student please come forward and lead us with the pledge. Thank you (Name) to reading out the pledge.


Updating ourselves with the current happening is a good habit. It helps us stay updated and increase our knowledge. I would like to call (Name) from class.. Please come forward and enlighten us with current happening around us.

For thought for the day

It is always great to start the morning with great thought. Thought inspire and motivate our minds. I would like to invite to share with us the though of the day.

Birthday wishes

Today the following students are celebrating their birthdays. Anaya from Class 1, Hrithik from Class 3, Liyana from class 7. May God bless them let us all wish them and sing a birthday song for them.

Thank you everyone.

Principal Message

Inviting the principal sir to share a few words.

I would now like to invite our respected Principal sir to come up to the stage and say a few words motivate us. Thank you Sir.

After the speech that was indeed motivating and inspiring. There is indeed no shortcut to success we will surely remember your words.

Thanks you so much sir.

National Anthem

Now it is time for us to sing our National Anthem. I would request everyone to please stand at attention. Thank you everyone, you may stand at ease.

Formal Ending.

We have now reach the conclusion of our school’s morning assembly for today thank you everyone. You may now move back to your respective classes.

Thanks to all.


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