Participate in 30th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School

Participate in 30th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School

In this article we providing information regarding latest Participate in CBSE 30th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School 2024.

CBSE 30th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School 2024

The 30thNational Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes-2024 is scheduled to be held in collaboration with Kolkata Sahodaya School Complex on the theme “Education for Life – Road Ahead and Challenges on 6th and 7th December 2024 at the Biswa Bangla Convention Centre in New Town, Kolkata. The conference aims to engage participants in co-creating and contributing towards a resilient and adaptive educational ecosystem that embraces innovationwhile preserving core educational values. It also aims at enabling the Principals and Management of CBSE schools to understand the new policies and innovative practices that have been launched by the Board along with special emphasis on NEP 2020 and NCFFS 2023.

Sub themes of the conference are:

  1. Multilingualism in Schools: Strategies for implementing effective multilingual education in schools.
  2. Mental Health and Well-being: Addressing Social Media Impact on Student Mental Health
  3. Reforming Assessment: From Standardization to Personalization
  4. Technology Integration: Bridging the Digital Divide (Innovation, Creativity and Hands on Activity)
  5. Inclusive Education: Case studies of successful inclusive education models.
  6. Sustainability in Education: Preparing Future-Ready Citizens
  7. Leadership in Education: Leadership strategies for fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
  8. The Evolving Role of Teachers: Adapting to New Realities

Call for Case Studies

The case studies for a general issue of souvenir may be submitted as per guidelines given below. The case study should reflect the best practices adopted by the school on the following sub – themes:

  1. Implementing a Dual Language Immersion Program: Challenges and Successes
  2. Cyber bullying Prevention Strategies: A School-wide Approach
  3. Implementing Portfolio-Based Assessments: A Journey from Traditional to Personalized Evaluation
  4. Leveraging Open Educational Resources to Bridge the Digital Divide
  5. Social Inclusion Strategies for Students with Disabilities: Peer Mentoring Programs
  6. Partnering with Local Communities for Sustainable Development Projects
  7. Data-Driven Decision Making: A Principal’s Journey to School Transformation
  8. Collaborative Teaching in the Digital Age: New Models of Instruction

Participate in 30th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School – Guidelines

  • Word limit for the case study is 1000 words
  • The work has to be an original contribution. No plagiarized work will be accepted.
  • The study should shed light on significant issues, dilemmas, or challenges encountered by schools, teachers, or principals within specific contexts. In addition to identifying challenges, these cases should also propose or suggest potential strategies for addressing these challenges.
  • It should also offer a modest and accurate account of the actual events that transpired. It is strongly urged that the inclusion of authentic primary and secondary data. However, in cases where primary data is used, authors should take measures to disguise certain namesand other confidential information to ensure confidentiality is maintained.
  • References, if any should be mentioned at the end of the write up.
  • To be submitted as a single file in MS WORD format (Pdf format will not be accepted) in Arial/Unicode (for Hindi) font size 12 with 1.5-line space. Margins on both sides should be 2cm.
  • The write up can be either in Hindi or English with topic, name of the contributor: Principal/ teacher and the name of the school with address.
  • Accompanied by relevant evidences in the form of photographs and other relevant evidences (images and photographs should be sent in .jpeg format only)
  • To be submitted online through an E-mail at on or before 5th November, 2024.


Please register online at the google link provided for participation in the 30thNational Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes – 2024. Alternatively, the participants can use to register. The last date for registration is Nov 10, 2024.

Please note:

  • Write ups received after the mentioned deadline will not be accepted.
  • The Editorial Team reserves the right to determine the eligibility of the entries.
  • The selected probable best practices will be collated and released in the form of an eSOUVENIR during the Conference.
  • Hard copies will not be accepted.

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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