LibreOffice Writer Complete Notes in English

LibreOffice Writer Complete Notes in English

In this article we providing information regarding latest LibreOffice Writer Complete Notes in English.

LibreOffice Writer Complete Notes in English

We are giving authenticate and complete information of LibreOffice Writer.

What is LibreOffice ?

The first version of this software was released on 25 January, 2011. It is made free of cost by “The Document Foundation”. This program is made of C++, Java, and Python languages. Its type is office suite.

Libra Office is an open source software. It is an application software that works on all types of operating systems.

  • The LibreOffice is an Open Source Application Program.
  • It is a free and machine independent application software.
  • It works similar to Microsoft Office but some difference between in both.

Applications of LibreOffice

  1. Writer
  2. Calc
  3. Impress
  4. Draw
  5. Math
  6. Base

Difference in Package

MS OfficeLibreOffice
MS Word (.docx)LibreOffice Writer (.odt)
MS Excel (.xlsx)LibreOffice Calc (.ods)
MS PowerPoint (.pptx)LibreOffice Impress (.odp)

What is LibreOffice Writer ?

Writer is a feature-rich tool for creating letters, books, reports, newsletters, brochures, and other documents. You can insert graphics and objects from other components into Writer documents.

LibreOffice Writer

  • Default file name – Untitled 1
  • Extension name – .odt (Open Document Text)
  • Save As – Ctrl + Shift + S
  • Table – Ctrl + 12
  • Zooming Range – 20% to 600% & default 100%
  • Close LibreOffice – Ctrl + Q

Menu and Tabs of LibreOffice Writer

Menu and Tabs of LibreOffice Writer
  • 1 Icon bar 
  • 2 Active tab 
  • 3 Icons on active tab 
  • 4 Tabs 
  • 5 Tab menus 
  • 6 Quick menu

Important Shortcut Keys For LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice Writer Shortcuts:

  1. Ctrl + N: Create a new document.
  2. Ctrl + O: Open an existing document.
  3. Ctrl + S: Save the current document.
  4. Ctrl + P: Print the document.
  5. Ctrl + C: Copy selected text or objects.
  6. Ctrl + V: Paste copied text or objects.
  7. Ctrl + X: Cut selected text or objects.
  8. Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
  9. Ctrl + Y: Redo the last undone action.
  10. Ctrl + B: Bold selected text.
  11. Ctrl + I: Italicize selected text.
  12. Ctrl + U: Underline selected text.
  13. Ctrl + L: Align text to the left.
  14. Ctrl + R: Align text to the right.
  15. Ctrl + E: Center-align text.
  16. Ctrl + J: Justify text.
Shortcut keysEffect (Key)
F2Formula Bar
Ctrl+F2Insert Fields
F3Complete AutoText
Ctrl+F3Edit AutoText
F9Update fields
Ctrl+F9Show fields
F12Numbering on
Ctrl+F12Insert or edit Table
Shortcut keysEffect
Ctrl+ASelect All
Ctrl+DDouble Underline
Ctrl+HFind and Replace
Ctrl+LAlign Left
Ctrl+RAlign Right
Ctrl+YRedo last action
Ctrl+0 (zero)Apply Text Body paragraph style
Ctrl+1Apply Heading 1 paragraph style
Ctrl+2Apply Heading 2 paragraph style
Ctrl+3Apply Heading 3 paragraph style
Ctrl+4Apply Heading 1 paragraph style
Ctrl+5Apply Heading 1 paragraph style
Ctrl + Plus Key(+)Calculates the selected text and copies the result to the clipboard.
Ctrl+Hyphen(-)Soft hyphens; hyphenation set by you.
Ctrl+Shift+minus sign (-)Non-breaking hyphen (is not used for hyphenation)
Ctrl+multiplication sign * (only on number pad)Run macro field
Ctrl+Shift+SpaceNon-breaking spaces. Non-breaking spaces are not used for hyphenation and are not expanded if the text is justified.
Shift+EnterLine break without paragraph change
Ctrl+EnterManual page break


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