How to Participate in Veer Gatha 4.0 Project 2024

How to Participate in Veer Gatha 4.0 Project 2024

In this article we providing information regarding latest How to Participate in Veer Gatha 4.0 Project 2024.

Veer Gatha 4.0 Project 2024

Project Veer Gatha was instituted in 2021 with the aim to disseminate the details of acts of bravery of the Gallantry Awardees and the life stories of these brave hearts among the students so as to raise the spirit of patriotism and instill amongst them values of civic consciousness.

As part of this, the students framed different projects through various media like art, poems, essays and multimedia on these gallantry award winners and best projects were awarded at national level by Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Education.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) in collaboration with Ministry of Education (MoE) has now decided to launch Project Veer Gatha 4.0 during 2024-25, as per following details:

  1. Virtual/ face-to-face awareness programmes/ sessions: Ministry of Defence will organize virtual/ face-to-face awareness programmes/ sessions for schools across the country. List of venues and timing for the aforesaid programme / sessions will be shared shortly.
  2. Activities: Interdisciplinary and art-integrated activities like Poem, Paragraph, Essay, Painting, Multi Media Presentation etc. would be the activities to be done by individual students as a Project.
  3. The categories, Activities and suggestive topics are as follows:
Veer Gatha 4.0 Categories


17.09.2024 to 05.10.2024

Organizing virtual / face to face interactions of gallantry award winners with schools. Conduct of Activities at the School Level. Schools shall themselves conduct the activities on the above topics and evaluate the same.

16.09.2024 to 15.10.2024

After the conduct of activities at the school level, the school shall upload 01 best entry per category i.e., a total of 04 entries from each school, at the MyGov portal.

  • Category-1 (Class 3rd to 5th): 01 best entry
  • Category-2 (Class 6th to 8th): 01 best entry
  • Category-3 (Class 9th to 10th): 01 best entry
  • Category-4 (Class 11th to 12th): 01 best entry

17.10.2024 to 10.11.2024

District level evaluation of entries submitted by schools to be done by District level Nodal Officers to be appointed by States/UTs Nodal Officers /Education Department. Rubrics for evaluation are given at Annexure – I.

Best entries of District level will be forwarded by District Level Nodal Officers to State / UT Level Nodal Officers(s) through MyGov Portal.

Portal for Submission of Entries – How to Participate in Veer Gatha 4.0 Project 2024

We provide direct link to participate in Veer Gatha 4.0 Project.

Winners :

There will be winners at every level. The number of winners to be declared is as follows :

a. National Level – 100 winners (Super 100)

  • i. Category: Class 3rd to 5th = 25 winners
  • ii. Category: Class 6th to 8th = 25 winners
  • iii. Category: Class 9th to 10th = 25 winners
  • iv. Category: Class 11th to 12th = 25 winners

b. State / UT Level – 08 Winners (two from each category) at State / UT level irrespective of Board (Will not include students selected in Super 100).

c. District Level – 04 winners (one from each category). These will not include students selected in Super 100 and the students selected at State/UT level.

Felicitation of Winners of Veer Gatha 4.0 Project 2024

The winner at national level will be felicitated jointly by Ministry of Education, Government of India & Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India. Each winner will be awarded a cash prize of Rs.10,000/- by the Ministry of Defence. All the winners at District, State and UT will be felicitated by respective District, State and UT. The modalities of the prize to be given in State, UT and District level will be decided by State, UT and District Authorities. A certificate will be given to all the winners as follows:

  • a. To Students Selected in Super 100 – Jointly by Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Education, Government of India.
  • b. To Students Selected at State, UT, District level will be awarded appropriately by the respective State/ UT/ Districts

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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