Digital Wellness Post Session Quiz Answers - CIET NCERT 2024

Digital Wellness Post Session Quiz Answers – CIET NCERT 2024

In this article we providing information regarding latest Digital Wellness Post Session Quiz Answers – CIET NCERT 2024.

Digital Wellness Post Session Quiz Answers – CIET NCERT 2024

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  1. Students
  2. Teachers
  3. Teachers Eductors
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  6. General Public, etc.

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Let’s Start the Quiz Answers :

Question 1 : How can teachers encourage a healthy relationship with technology ?

Answer – By integrating offline activities, mindfulness and peer tutoring activities

Question 2 : Excessive Screen Time

Answer – Causes digital fatigue and eyestrain

Question 3 : What should be discouraged to achieve a healthy lifestyle?

Answer – Limit screen time

Question 4 – What are the dimensions of health ?

Answer – Physical

Question 5 – One of the following is not recommended to as a counter measure to improve cardiachealth

Answer – Strict diets

Question 6 – What is the effect of extended media use on the body’s insulin ?

Answer – Decreased sensitivity

Question 7 – What is the recommendation about taking day-time naps in case of disturbed sleep ?

Answer – Use naps to complete total sleep hours

Question 8 – Digital distraction primarily results from :

Answer – Constant availability of digital devices

Question 9 – How can teachers help students manage their screen time effectively ?

Answer – Promoting regular breaks and physical activity

Question 10 – Which of the following is NOT a dimension of mental well – being ?

Answer – Social isolation

Question 11 – Which of the following practices can help improve digital well-being ?

Answer – Setting boundaries for screen use

Question 12 – Which of the following can help detect problematic patterns of internet use?

Answer – Both a and B ( A. Change in interaction pattern. , B. Reactions of anger, aggression when access to internet restricted

Question 13 – Cyberbullying primarily involves :

Answer -Digital harassment

Question 14 – In which of the following contexts related to cyberspace the psychological implications can be experienced ?

Answer – Due to excessive time spent in Cyberspace and type of content accessed in Cyberspace

Question 15 – What is the 20-20-20 rule?

Answer -Take a break every 20 min, focus 20 feet away for 20 seconds

Question 16 – What behavior leads to cognitive overload and anxiety due to excessive accumulation of digital possessions ?

Answer – Online disinhibition

Question 17 – Repeated hostile or aggressive behavior performed by an individual or a group on others, aimed to inflict harm or discomfort by means of electronic or digital tools is known as ?

Answer – Cberbullying

Question 18 – What is the full form of MMORPGs?

Answer – Massive Multiplayer Online Role – Playing Games

Question 19 – Sleep Disruption

Answer – Blue light exposure negatively affects sleep

Question 20 – Physical Health Impact :

Answer – Regular movement is essential for well-being

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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