CBSE Circular - ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’ on 14th August 2024

CBSE Circular – ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’ on 14th August 2024

In this article we providing information regarding latest CBSE Circular – ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’ on 14th August 2024.

CBSE Circular – ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’ on 14th August 2024

The Government of India has announced 14th August to be observed as ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’, every year, to bring to light the agony, suffering and pain of millions of sufferers of partition. It is to remind the country regarding the largest displacement of human population, which also claimed the lives of a large number of people.

In this regard, the National School of Drama (NSD) has curated a play whose script presents the events of participation, its impact on millions of lives and several other details. The script is available at:

The script can be adapted or modified as per the suitability and creative requirements of individual schools.

In addition, an exhibition on ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’, jointly curated by the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) and the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) may also be exhibited in the schools. The exhibition is available for download at

The SOP for mounting the exhibition is available at: 2024.pdf

It is pertinent to mention that considering the sensitivity of the issue, it may be ensured that the exhibition is showcased with the sobriety and solemness that it deserves. It should be especially ensured that the sentiments of any section of the society are not to be hurt. The SOP may be strictly adhered to. The display of the exhibition may be accompanied by small programmes like discussions, debates etc.

The schools are requested to take a note of the above for further necessary action at their level. A brief report of the above activities alongwith 3-4 photos may be uploaded on the following google form on or before 14.08.2024 (3:00 pm) positively:

Link for Upload Brief Report for the ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’ on 14th August 2024

partition horrors remembrance day 2024

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