Best Anchoring Script for Rakshabandhan 'Rakhi'

Best Anchoring Script for Rakshabandhan ‘Rakhi’

In this article we providing information regarding latest Best Anchoring Script for Rakshabandhan 19 August 2024.

Best Anchoring Script for Rakshabandhan ‘Rakhi’ – 19 August 2024

The most beautiful relationship between a brother and sister. Being a brother and sister means being there for each other at all times good or bad. This bonding is a bliss.. Heartiest morning to All !

And this is Trisha from class 9th presenting Today assembly on behalf of Shivalik House. Today we all have gathered here to celebrate the purest and loveliest of all relationships that is brothers and sisters relationships.

Okay … May I know from you which festival ? Yes It is Rakshabandha. As the love filled festival of Rakshabandhan is around the corner.. let us pray for the happiness, prosperity and long life of our brothers and sisters. Let us start our Assembly with God’s prayer. And everybody join your hands and close your eyes. Start Prayer.

Dear friends, our leaders have granted us the freedom of living by giving up on their lives for our country. We should discharge all the necessary duties for our country to make it a better place to live in.. and Pledge instills the sense of patriotism in our life. And it’s time to make pledge.

Let’s get ready for pledge, I would like to invite on stage Shivani from class 9th.

After Pledge.

Siblings are put on this earth to love, to entertain, and to annoy each other. Their relationships are like Tom and Jerry as they tease each other, Knock down each other, Irritate each other but can’t live without each other.

A brother-sister relationship teaches so many things-accepting differences, being emotionally skilled and having each other’s back every time.

Let us cherish this unique and sweet sibling bond with Today’s Thought. And for Today’s thought I invite on stage Divya from class 8th.

Thought of the Day – “Brothers and Sisters are as close as hands and feet.” – Vietnamese Proverb

‘Rakshabandhan’ Literally translates to ‘Safety’ and ‘Bond’. It is a celebration of the unbreakable bond that exists between siblings, it is the promise to always be there, To always protect, No matter what the circumstances. And this festival is a time-honored ritual of protection. Dear friends, As most Hindi Rituals, Raksha Bandhan is rooted in History and mythology. Let us know more about this auspicious festival and for this, I would like to invite on stage Roshani from Class 9th.

Dear all, As we all love to hear and read stories. The history of India and Hindu Mythology is laden with fascinating tales and legends which we all love to hear about. There are some captivating stories where Rakshabandhan plays an essential role like stories of lord krishna and draupadi, Emperor humain and rani karnavati, Yama and Yamuna, King Bali and Goddess Lakshmi. Let’s Enjoy such stories and know the importance of this festival.

I would like to invite on stage Srushti from class 7th for story. After Story. Thank you Srushti.

And Now it’s time to add some more fun to the Rakhi Celebration by putting on some music and our little scholars are going to perform a Fashion Show in their quirky costumes. Next, students of class 6 and 7 are presenting a Fashion Show.

Let us Enjoy.

Thank you to All.


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